Dirty 30

30 days to LIFE! to go and TBH this week has been tough.  I’m about 3 weeks into this journey and I’ve definitely felt a bit disenchanted and not as motivated so I need to shake things up!

Slippery Slope

Confession: This week I ate a donut.  Now, technically that’s OK, it was gourmet and made with “real” ingredients but that’s not why I’m telling you about it.  The problem is, when I ate the donut instead of me feeling satisfied, I instead felt out of control.  I wanted another donut and then I wanted ice cream and then I wanted pizza and then I wanted…EVERYTHING in sight.  No, I didn’t eat everything in sight (turns out that’s hard to do!) but I did eat more than I should have and I did eat things that aren’t good for my overall well being or my Life! goals.  That donut was my slippery slope.  I fell.  Now, how can I stand back up?

Getting Back Up

The worst thing you can do is beat yourself up after slipping. Instead, I have found that it’s best to come up with a plan of action.  Here are 8 tips that have helped me get back into the groove of things.

  1. Try a veg and fruit day.  Sometimes you just need a kickstart and I have found that having tons of veggies (eat to your hearts desire!), 2-3 pieces of fruit and lemon water for 24-48 hours can really get you back on the road to health.
  2. Eaten too much?  Vow to workout an extra 15min and during that 15min think about how you feel and why you overate.
  3. Go to the mall and try on clothes.  Those mirrors can be just what you need to get your hiney back at it!
  4. Read The Emotional Eater’s Repair Manual and/or Intuitive Eating.  These books can do wonders for your emotional health.  I highly recommend.
  5. Call/talk/chat with a friend. Confess your sins and devise a plan of action on how you are going to do better.  Check back in with them on your progress, accountability is everything.
  6. Start each day anew.  Don’t dwell on what you ate yesterday.  Start each day fresh and full of energy and optimism.
  7. Clean your house.  I don’t know about you but I definitely see a correlation between how I feel and how clean or organized my house is.  The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up can do more than tame your inner hoarder!
  8. Get involved in some healthy competition and compete with your friends and/or coworkers!  I’ve had a fitbit for over two years and have just started actually using mine two weeks ago.  A coworker posted on Facebook if anyone wanted to join in a workweek fitbit challenge and let me tell you – #micdrop!  SO. MOTIVATING.  And also really fun!

What do you all do to get back on the road to health?  Would love to hear from you.

As always, thanks for your  ongoing support!  Wishing you good vibes on your own journey!




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